Sunday, May 04, 2008

Molluscum and Chicken Pox Link?

Why is molluscum invading our neighborhood and others around the country - is it a growing trend? How come I never remember it being an issue when I was a child. After doing some research, I have a hunch. When I was a kid (in the 1970's) we all got something else called Chicken Pox! But now we have a vaccine for chicken pox for our kids - however, maybe the vaccine does not create immunity for the closely related Molluscum virus. So when I was a kid and got Chicken pox - it made be immune to Molluscum. Maybe a doctor will study this subject some day! Don't forget to give me some credit for figuring it out. :-)

Update: Seems to be less of it in the schools now.

Saturday, May 03, 2008

TA Spring Game Review

Now this is a really cool game, and it is free. For those of you who have every played Total Annihilation, you will love this game. Just visit TA Spring to download the software. You will love the 3d graphics, easy group play over the internet... and did I say free!

Super Smash Brother Brawl Review - Wii

I'm not sure why everyone loves this game. It is very basic, doesn't require much skill, and is more about pushing buttons quickly then any type of strategy or thinking. I'll admit, there are a lot of characters... but is that really worth it?

Maybe I'm just upset that both my boys can beat me.